When I first wrote on this page, we were barely a month in quarantine, and I was already at my wit’s end. I have since redesigned this page, because so much has happened in all this time standing still. Can you believe how many people are getting it and dying? I can, absolutely! First of all, people are getting it because they do whatever they want to do regardless of rules, laws, courtesy, ethics, or even --- just plain manners. People are definitely getting it. People are gross! WASH YOUR HANDS! Are people dying? Well, yeah - like 2.2% of the infected. What that means is that 97.8% survive it, right?
I’m still trying to figure out the panic, which I never understood to begin with. Honestly, the shutdown made me mad more than anything. From Day 1, I was already tired of hearing the same stuff over and over and over again where there’s no escape; like I was being oversold a concept. TV commercials, News, EVERY WEBSITE?? To all the Companies Online: Why do we need to know about how you are responding to COVID-19? None of your employees can give me coronavirus through my computer or over the phone. That’s simply not how a virus works! I know, I know.... it’s confusing because there are computer viruses. Rest assured, computer viruses do not transfer to animals or humans yet. Could you imagine? But seriously! Stop it!
I totally get that the coronavirus is a very serious pandemic crisis situation. Joel would remind me every day with news facts, stats, and videos from the web. (From the beginning to like a few days ago. – Not even kidding.) I HATE staying home and low-down, deeply loathe not being able to go where I want to go. Joel loves staying home so he’s fine and I run the errands. Fortunately, he has finally accepted that we will all be exposed to coronavirus eventually. There’s no cure or vaccine yet. But remember, the whole reason we were actually told to stay home was to “flatten the curve” not to avoid it or prevent getting it altogether. If you think you can avoid getting COVID-19, coronavirus, "the vid", or whatever you wanna call it, you either already had it or… welp, nope, I can’t think of another way. Again, there’s no cure or vaccine yet.
So anyway - while we are waiting to die in our homes, from COVID or boredom, I thought I’d amuse myself and anyone else who finds this page.
Trust me, I'm laughing at myself <3 These are all pretty bad, bored choices